Lakeview Supermarket and Deli

What’s the big Difference, and why all of the Buzz and popularity?

Nationally Recognized Meat Market:  Lakeview Supermarket and Deli was Nationally recognized by Progressive Grocer’s magazine as the “Outstanding Independent Meat Retailer” in the Nation” for 2018. Progressive Grocer’s magazine has been around for nearly 100 years. There are roughly 40,000 retail grocery stores in the country.  Each year they choose only two “Outstanding” Retailers in 7 categories from across the entire United States.  Lakeview is the only Nationally recognized meat retailer anywhere in Northern California.  With over 50-years in the business, it is no small wonder that this prestigious honor went to Lakeview.  Few businesses stick around for more than a decade or two.  After 50-years you can learn a whole lot about quality, service, packaging, and your products!

Experience:  On any given day Lakeview’s meat Department has from 70 to 130 years of experience behind their meat counter.  Supermarkets are manned by guys and gals who are relative newcomers that have replaced the old guys that have recently retired.  Our staff will help guide you through every meat decision, and purchase getting you the best results, at the best price to make every meal better!  At the same time, they will be there to stop you from buying too much, too little, or using the wrong cut.

Variety:  Lakeview has almost every conceivable “quality” cut and specialty you could want!  Supermarkets are relegated to a “company set” that contains only the bare essentials that most families need. Lakeview carries briskets, bone-in short ribs, skirt steaks, veal scallopini, ox-tails, beef and chicken fajita mix and all of the top cuts of USDA Prime beef, and strictly fresh “Market grind burger”.  Additionally, Lakeview has rabbits, quail, ducks, turkeys, ground veal, bison, elk, venison, pork, lamb and turkey!

Value: You always get more value from any cut at Lakeview due to the superior quality and grade of our beef and pork.  Most supermarkets carry USDA Select and a lower grade of USDA Choice, and almost never have USDA Prime beef.  What this means to you is that you will always get the most tender flavorful, and delicious steak or roast every time.  Ultimately, real value means getting more value than what you paid for something.  A cheap, tough steak is never a good value. Our goal is to always deliver more than is expected and our great meats always give you the best value!

Client versus Customer:  At most stores you are nothing more than a customer. Almost all supermarkets have “self-service” counters that offer no advice, no help on selections and certainly no cooking or grilling information!  At Lakeview you are a “client”.  That means you are under the care, supervision and guidance of a trusted professional.  This means you get the right cut, for the right meal, and will be led away from poor choices.  Our professionals will give you the right selection, the right amount, cooking instructions and even recipes to make every meal better!

Custom Cutting and Slicing:  Everyday at Lakeview, we custom cut extra thick steaks, extra thin chops and carne asada just right for your needs, in the exact amount you need. At Lakeview “Full Service” means just that.  You want chickens cut up, packaged in separate packages, no problem.  You want breast sliced, packaged separately, no problem.  And, we still cut up beef bones to order for you or your dog!  Every year we sell between $30,000 to $35,000 of custom cut and seasoned Prime Rib Roasts during the holidays.  We sell dozens of Kenny’s Personal Prime Ribs every week and scores of Kenny’s extra thick gourmet pork chops.  Want a Tri-tip cut into steaks, an extra thick batch of fillets, specials cut Rib Eyes? We do it all!

Better than Fresh FISH:  At Lakeview we would love to carry fresh fish; however, by the time fish gets to the supermarkets, the fish is almost always 3-4 days old.  Lakeview carries a great line of the fresher than fresh frozen fish.  All of our fish products are frozen immediately after being caught.  Our cod, tilapia, salmon, mahi mahi, ahi tuna, calamari, shrimp, scallops and lobster tails are all in pristine condition and are literally fresher than most fresh fish (unless you live on the coast!)

Best Ground Beef:  Every supermarket uses pre-ground chubs for some, if not all of their ground meats. At Lakeview we grind only strictly fresh chuck meat with fat from tri-tip, rib-eyes, T-bones, and New York steaks to a blend of around 80% lean and 20% fat!  The ground chubs in the supermarket often come from old dairy cows, worn out bulls, and steers, some that come from Uruguay, Argentina and even as far away as Australia!  It is no wonder the burger in most markets has so little flavor. Lakeview’s ground Chuck is always made from the freshest USDA Choice and Prime “Steer” beef, and never has a trace of old meat ground into it!  You will notice the difference in every ground beef meal, especially burgers!

Better Pork and Ground Sausage:  Many Supermarkets no longer grind their own sausage.  Safeway, Lucky’s and Albertson’s do not grind their own pork sausage.  After a lawsuit years ago, the owners decided, after some pork got into the beef, that the stores could no longer grind pork at their stores. This created a cascade of bad outcomes for their customers.  Because the stores do not grind pork, they do not want any waste so…  the pork chops, steaks and roasts are not trimmed closely, they keep all of the ugly chops (and sell them to their customers), they throw away most of the trimmings running up their costs and making all pork items more expensive.  Also, to reduce waste they buy the leanest pork on the market so it is not as juicy, tender or flavorful as Lakeview’s all natural well-marbled, Prairie Fresh pork!  Since Lakeview sells tons of fresh ground sausage, they trim every chop, steak, roast, and even spareribs to perfection to get the needed trimmings for their Hot and Spicy, Italian, and farm style sausage.  Lakeview has no pork waste, so the prices are much, much lower than the Supermarkets.

Best Chicken: Almost all local supermarkets carry Foster Farms or Tyson chickens.  Lakeview imports their Golden Plump all-natural Chickens all the way from St. Cloud, Minnesota, every week!  These smaller chickens (3-4lbs) have much more flavor, and are perfect for most families.  Lakeview’s boneless breasts and thighs are also all-natural and since they sell hundreds of pounds every week are always fresh, never frozen.  They sell either in any amount and are rarely more than $2.99lb.

Meat Packs versus sale prices: Everybody wants to save money, but buying the sale items at the supermarkets may not be the answer.  Generally speaking, prices go down or are less when the supply is higher.  Why would a supply be higher?  Usually, any product accumulates when few people are buying it! This is the case with low quality cuts like London Broil, bottom round rump roast, and other tougher cuts, or with low quality USDA Select beef.  Since few people are buying these low-quality items, the demand is low, the supply is high and the price drops.  Hence, the “sale” is on.  The bad news is that feeding your family every month with sale items that nobody else wanted that will not give you delicious, flavorful and satisfying meals.  Lakeview Meat Packs come in 14 varieties and 10 different price ranges that are nearly all fully customizable to what your family wants and loves to eat, packaged just right! And, you save money on every one of the 14 packs every time.

Frequent Buyer Meat Card:  Lakeview has the only meat card that rewards its customers for meat, fish, lunch meat and even take-n-bake pizza purchases.  Every month Lakeview gives away thousands of dollars-worth of free meat in bonuses to their customers for their redeemed meat cards!  With the savings on meat packs and the meat card savings, Lakeview Customers get the finest beef, pork, chicken, fish and specialty items and save big time!

Cooking tips and purchase counseling:  With Lakeview’s experience comes free counseling on portions, cuts, recipes, and cooking tips and even recipes.  Most of the Lakeview meat staff has also been part of our 45-year-old catering business.  The staff has cooked more chicken, ribs, tri-tip, pork, and steaks than anybody in Lake County.  Almost every member of our meat team has cooked for thousands of clients at weddings, fund-raisers, graduations, celebrations, and parties.  No meat department anywhere has the “cooking and grilling experience” that the lakeview team has.  What this means to you is that any question about meat or how to cook it can be answered by our experienced, knowledgeable meat team. How much do you need to feed 50 people chicken and ribs?  How much burger do I need for 12 people? What size Prime Rib do I need for 7 people?  Lakeview has all of these answers and many more!  Lakeview also has dozens of handouts like what kind of barbecue to buy, what is a Tri-tip and how to cut it, Prime rib cooking instructions, information on diet and weight loss, informational videos and great recipes that you can pick up on any visit!  Lakeview also has a great mobile-friendly website that features all of the videos, meat packs, brochures, and pages and pages of information about meat, cooking, catering, and also a complete guide to “Better Meats and Meals”.

Bottom Line:  Lakeview Supermarket and Deli, a Nationally Recognized Outstanding Meat retailer has been in business for over 50-years!  They have a meat team that has over 150 years of combined experience in the meat department and another 100 plus years of cooking and grilling experience.  They have 14 money-saving meat packs, a frequent buyer meat card and tons of information about meat, and everything related to it.  Lakeview has only the finest Ground Beef, and the highest and best USDA Premium choice and Prime beef, the best all-natural pork and chicken along with an amazing variety of fresh frozen fish and specialties in the region! Lakeview’s customers come from all over Northern California for this reason.  People drive a long distance to go to a decent restaurant.  How far would you drive to get the very best in quality, service, dependability and finest meats in Northern California?  We hope to see you again soon!!

Kenny and Deana Parlet and Staff

Lakeview Supermarket & Deli

“Serving the Highest & Best Quality USDA Choice & Prime Beef since 1970”

Visit our awesome, mobile-friendly website to view videos, blogs and to see our 14 meat packs

at  Or call seven days a week to 274-5573 from

8 am to 8 pm “Order in the A.M. get your meat pack in the P.M.”

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