While all the world is Crazy, Lakeview Supermarket remains Solid, Consistent and Better Everyday! We’ve got new Floors, a new Deli Dining Area, better outdoor lighting for your safety and the Best Variety and highest quality meats in history!

With the help of a crash through our outside Deli wall, we made things better for all of our customers. We moved our soaps, cleaning products and pet foods and opened our Deli and Produce section to offer a nice dining and indoor seating section. The aisles are wider and have beautiful all new floors. We expanded our self-serve deli area with a brand new reach in 3-door Deli cooler and expanded our variety of Deli items.

The meat business has been very fluid and constantly changing week to week, but with 5 different suppliers we have elevated our variety and quality even higher still. We look for, and find the highest and best Quality in every category to insure Lakeview remains the absolute best in the meat business. With a constant flow of new customers and new requests, we now carry an insane amount of specialty items that are rarely available at other markets or Supermarkets. We almost always have quail, duck, oxtail, pork belly, briskets, 4-bone short ribs and Korean Short Ribs, veal Scaloppini along with ground Everything (Veal, Turkey, Venison, Elk, Lamb, Bison, Chorizo and Pork). Along with all these specialties, we have a great selection of fabulous fresh frozen seafood including 3 sizes of Lobster tails, along with 5 sizes of Shrimp and the best Alaskan Cod on the planet!

One look at our amazing meat shop and you will know you are in a “Real Butcher Shop!” We have charts, posters, handouts, recipes and even a pair of real Texas Longhorns, along with stacks of the best USDA Prime Beef, pork, and chicken cut and trimmed to perfection by an expert, with over 51 years of cutting experience! Be sure to ask about our Signature “Kenny’s Personal Prime Ribs” and Kenny’s Extra Thick Specialty Pork Chops; these will be the best chops you ever ate! Really!

Got Game? Got Livestock? We process Beef, Pork, Venison, Elk, Lambs, Goats and have also processed Caribou, Oryx and wild bears. The same care that we put into our meat packs goes into your processing of any wild game or farm animals. If you need processing, give us a call and we will take care of you; like we have for over 51 years.

Got Questions about meat? We are available 12 hours a day, 8-8 everyday (Except Christmas). Normally, we have from 50 to over 120 years of experience working behind our counter!

Kenny Parlet- Slicing, Dicing, selling and wrapping since 1970

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