Lakeview comes through COVID with a perfect record!

With COVID restrictions and shortages rampant for over a year, Lakeview never failed its customers! Thanksgiving saw hundreds of clients get the exact turkey, ham or Prime Rib they wanted. During Christmas and New Years Lakeview sold over $35,000 in Prime Ribs, all sized, cut and seasoned, complete with cooking directions to hundreds of happy customers. Not one customers failed to get what they needed for their holiday dinners.

In fact, Lakeview never, ever ran out of meat like many other supermarkets. The famous meat packs were available all year with the exception of only two days, when they had to recalculate their prices. The meat packs went way up, and then back down.

Currently all 14 meat packs are available. While most stores struggle to supply regular items to their clients and customers, Lakeview has expanded their meat department to include even more exciting and interesting items.

The meat department has expanded their offerings to include 3 sizes of Lobster tails, 5 sizes of frozen shrimp, calamari steaks, scallops, a wide variety of fish, including our amazing Icelandic Cod!

We now regularly carry ducks, duck breast, quail, Cornish hens, turkeys, rabbits, beef tongue, oxtail, beef chuck short ribs, brisket, pork belly, veal scallopini, skirt steaks, chicken, pork and beef liver, and even Rocky Mountain Oysters. We literally have ground everything, Bison, elk, venison, veal, lamb, turkey, pork, pork chorizo, and 3 different flavors of fresh ground pork sausage (Farm style, Italian with Fennel, and Hot and Spicy)!

The meat department has never been so stocked with “wet-aged” USDA Certified Premium and Prime Beef. No one anywhere has better beef, and no one has more experience, or better customer service than Lakeview. With 51 years passionately serving the highest and best USDA Choice and Prime meats, Lakeview is the only place for discriminating meat eaters and gourmets. You can roll the dice on quality at the Supermarkets or you can always get the best at Lakeview Supermarket and Deli.

Remember, Lakeview Supermarket was recognized as the Outstanding Independent meat retailer in the Nation in 2018, and for very good reason. Some of our clients come from hundreds of miles away to get the best, how far away do you live?

Lastly, if you haven’t seen our new mobile-friendly website and all of our videos; you surely should check them out!

Kenny Parlet -Your Personal Butcher

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