Customer Appreciation

Choose Choice Card (USDA Choice of course!) And “Eat more Meat” Referral Program

Every time you shop and buy Lakeview Meat and Freezer Packs, or sliced Luncheon meats and cheeses from our Deli we punch your card.

After $175 worth of punches you get $5 worth of Free Meat 

Accumulate $850 worth of punches and get $40 worth of free meat, instantly!
(8% additional savings and 60% better deal that cashing in a single $175 card)

Fill up your meat cards even faster!  Refer a friend or family member to buy their first meat pack and they get  a 10% added bonus, and you get $50 in additional punches on your meat cards.   And … you also get a free gift. 

You can’t lose!  Every referral and every purchase of Beef, Pork, Chicken, Platter Bacon, and all sliced cheese and lunch meats, fish and even take-n-bake pizzas from our Deli get you closer to filling another meat card and getting more free meat!  A large family can fill up a $850 card in a couple of months, and get over $200 a year in free meat; while getting the highest and best USDA Choice and Prime Beef, and the ultimate personalized customer service.

We advise you on the right cut, wrap your packages in the size best for you and your family, counsel you with cooking instructions, and even offer special recipes and serving suggestions.

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